Panel Abstract

Attitudes toward Surveys and Survey Cooperation

The research on Attitudes Towards Surveys and Survey Cooperation has a two-pronged aim: Correlation of attitudes toward surveys, and the relationship between attitudes toward surveys and interviewer’s evaluation on respondents’ attitudes during the interview. The authors examines the three key dimensions that are involved in the broad sphere of survey climate. These are Individual dimensions, Organizational dimensions and Societal dimensions.The public confidence in the truthfulness of different professionals index reflects on how the trust in pollsters have reduced drastically between 1998-2006 and between 2002-2006. It has fallen over 10% between 2002-2006. While the surveys have also shown that nation would be better off if the leaders followed the views of our public opinion polls more closely. At the same time, in a cross sectional survey conducted in 2013 Korean General Social Survey, which is a nationally representative sample of Koreans aged 18 and above shows that the percentage of population providing social security numbers between 1993-2010 has fallen from 59% to 19%. In the research, we also see how the response rate has continued to fall year-by-year. The research delves into examining correlation toward survey with that of socio-demographic variables, attitudes, trust etc.

The 2013 KGSS also reflects on the process of public-opinion poll in Korea that is analyzed in the research. The participants agree that those participating in public-opinion poll respond honestly, but at the same time, they find participating in public-opinion poll abysmal and not enjoyable. There is a 50-50 case when it comes to the accuracy of result of public-opinion poll, as shown in the analysis of 2013 KGSS. A whopping number of participants of more than 80% believes public opinion poll is needed in order for politicians to recognize the public opinion of the people. The research further gives a year-by-year capturing respondents’ behaviour using KGSS and how that determines attitudes towards surveys.
